Melissa is Colombian born and raised, lover of the natural world and tea and a former preschool teacher.
In a previous life she lived and worked in corporate settings in Canada and France. Today she has trainings in yoga and pranayama and tea sharing and serving. She has an avid interest in healing the soma (body) and resolving trauma from a body centric approach where everything belongs. She has worked with children and adults supporting them in coming into deeper connection with themselves, their bodies and the earth. She has worked as support for Between Us and is a deep believer of the paradigm shifting power this project holds. She loves dancing, singing and free diving! And her dog Betún.
What drives her most is her sense of connection with non-human beings- specifically Pance river in Cali. She is deeply connected to her ancestral lands in Colombia and listens to guidance from her well ancestors daily
Co-hosting with Esmé has been a true delight and we can’t wait to meet you and host you!